Feb 5, 2012

Imam Ali's Letter (5) - Nahjul Balagah

[ Ash'ath bin Qays was a hypocrite and time-sever. For sometime he attached himself to
Imam Ali (a) pretending to be his sincere follower. The ulterior motive behind this was to
amass wealth and to grasp power. Imam Ali (a) had appointed him as the Governor of
Azarbaijan. He started collecting and procuring wealth by every means possible. When this
was reported to Imam Ali (a), he wrote the following letter to Ash'ath: On receipt of this letter
he wanted to abscond with the wealth so amassed but good counsels prevailed upon him and
he was persuaded by Hujr bin Adi Kindi to got to Imam Ali (a). When his accounts were
audited he had to surrender 400,000 dirhams. ]

Imam Ali's Letter (4) - Nahjul Balagah

[ A letter to one of the commanders of his army. ]
If our enemies agree to obey us, it will be as I desire, but if they adamantly insist upon
dissension and revolt, then be ready to fight against them with the help of your faithful
followers. Trust those who have proved themselves faithful. Do not trust and do not count
upon the help of those who have proved faithless and disloyal. Remember that the absence of
those who do not join us willingly and sincerely is better than their presence in our ranks, and
their inactivity and lethargy is better than their participation in our activities.

Feb 4, 2012

Betapa dan Betapa

Pesan ‘lama’…tapi tidak ada salahnya direnungkan ulang…terutama utk peningkatan ibadah di tahun baru Hijriyah

Betapa besarnya nilai uang kertas senilai Rp.100.000, apabila dibawa ke masjid untuk disumbangkan; tetapi betapa kecilnya kalau dibawa ke Mall untuk dibelanjakan!